Why I’m so excited about the launch of High Wycombe Buzz networking
11 March 2019On one hand, it seems like only yesterday we launched Bedford Buzz, my first ever group. On another hand, it seems like a millennia ago – though actually, it’s only 5 years since I embarked on the first Bedfordshire Buzz meeting.
I remember calling some of my close contacts begging them to come along and support so that it wouldn’t just be me and the Mayor standing on our own in the Auction Room Bar! Not having a booking list (because as you know, there’s no booking required with Buzz) freaked me out a lot. As it was, we had 60 attendees, Dave the Mayor opened proceedings in grand style and the feedback was amazing.
Nearly five years on and our lovely host Sally Courtney is about to take on her second Business Buzz group, this time in High Wycombe, and I couldn’t be more proud of my little Buzz team!
Can you believe this will be our 21st group? Which is amazing when you consider that we only open a new Buzz where we’re requested to, and only with all the right combination of ingredients: host, venue and a thriving business community. So it’s all been totally organic growth, adding 12 groups to the mix in such a short time is quite an achievement!
In our Buzz team meetings, we often try to pinpoint why Buzz is so successful and it always seems to come down to the fact that everything we do facilitates people seeing new faces at every meeting and having plenty of time to chat together and start those all important connections.
As soon as guests turn up, we make sure to introduce them to a couple of people, meaning no one has to do that whole ‘starting a conversation with a stranger’ thing.
No speeches is a big draw for a lot of people – as is no membership. The experienced networkers know that to get the most out of their networking they do need to turn up regularly, but by making our meetings completely flexible we seem to have hit on the perfect formula for the networking that people need.
So, though I know everyone loves Buzz and the word is spreading about High Wycombe, I can’t help but still feel those butterflies and hope against hope that it’ll be another amazing launch! Still, the Buzz Network hasn’t let me down yet…
If you’re available on Thursday and you’re in the High Wycombe area, do pop down and support our Sally! The ASK Italian is providing a big fanfare, the Mayor will be there – oh, and listen out for Sally on Bucks Sound Radio and watch out for a feature in the Bucks Free Press.
Our record is 80 people at a launch – so it would be great to smash that!
Date: Thursday 14th March 2019
Time: 10am til 12noon
Venue: ASK Italian, 17 High Street, High Wycombe, HP11 2BE
Cost: Just £5 on the door, includes tea, coffee and biscuits