WordPress is a mighty program, with a great set of editing features and an array of themes and plugins that can help even the newest WordPress user create a fantastic website. However, sometimes you might find errors occurring and there can be a number of reasons for them (everyone has their down days, right?). If […]
Posted in How tos, Websites Also tagged help with wordpressEssentially, everyone is in such a rush they can’t even wait 400 milliseconds for your web page to load. Shocking right? That’s literally how long it takes to blink once. So understanding what’s affecting your website speed is the first step to getting lots more traction on Google. We’ve got all the tips to help […]
Posted in Websites Also tagged website performance, website speedAdding content to your website regularly is vital for Google rankings. Gone are the days of paying someone to sit in a dark room and add SEO code to your website to trick Google into thinking it should rank your website higher. Now it’s all about content. New content. Engaging content. And that can be […]
Posted in Social Media, Websites Also tagged bedfordshire, copy writingOk, first off, I’m not an IT expert. I manage servers, websites and my own computers and have done so for over 20 years. These are the steps I took this morning, just for my own peace of mind. You should always consult an IT professional about your security. That said, they might be busy […]
Posted in Business, Websites Also tagged anti-virus, emails, hacking, security, virusMorning all! Leigh here. I get asked a lot about how to use categories and tags for a blog, so I thought I’d write a little article to help you all out a little. If you’ve been through one of our WordPress training sessions or you have a website with us, you’ll probably have heard […]
Posted in Websites Also tagged blogs, categories, keywords, tags, web tips