You’d probably like to think that you can spot a message from a scam account a mile away, but it’s becoming harder and harder to distinguish authentic messages from fake ones. There’s a Meta Business phishing message about account restrictions that’s becoming increasingly prolific – I’ve received 3 of these messages in the last 2 […]
Posted in How tos, Social Media Also tagged facebook scam, two-factor authenticationSocial media is a bit like Marmite – you either love it or you hate it. Many cannot live without checking their social media accounts constantly throughout the day, whilst others avoid it at all costs. However, now that the coronavirus and social distancing has made it difficult to interact with customers face-to-face, we have […]
Posted in Social Media Also tagged bedfordshire, social media agency bedford, social media biggleswade, social media managementlIs it ironic to be writing a blog about how to write a blog – or would that only be if I don’t know how to write a blog? It’s a big thing to start writing your own blog. There are a lot of questions people ask: Do I REALLY need to write a blog? […]
Posted in Business, Social Media Also tagged blogs, wordpress, writingIt’s not available to everyone… yet. However, it’s a good idea to be ready for the new Twitter profile when it’s released and ensure that your profile still looks ‘the business’ when the switch over happens. Currently your Twitter Profile probably looks something like this on a PC. You may have noticed over the past […]
Posted in Social Media Also tagged featured image, profile, twitter