Home > Offer: Does your website need a chatbox?

Offer: Does your website need a chatbox?

You may have recently seen a rise in live chat boxes on websites – you know the ones, they sit in the bottom right corner and allow you to chat with a representative of the company there and then.

The advantage of a live chat box is that it’s great for getting people to engage with your website very quickly, especially good quality prospects who really are there because they need help. Though many people think they take lots of investment or employee time, chat boxes are actually really well suited to small business too.

Not to be confused with a chatbot (ie a robot) – which is where an automated ‘AI’ (artificial intelligence) spouts pre-written messages in response to certain phrases – a chat box is relatively easy for a small business owner to manage when it’s set up correctly; all you need is a smartphone or a computer and you’ll be alerted when someone sends you a message. You can reply on the go or you can even set away times when you’re not available, or give a trusted employee or answer service access should you need to.

The main aim of a chat box is to get more enquiries and enable people to contact you faster and easier. Obviously, the secondary aim is that it’s also easy enough for you to manage as well.

Not sure what to do to get a chat box on your website? Talk to us for a free quote. To give you a guestimate price, our installation service usually starts from just £80, but for the next 30 days, we’re offering full consultation and installation for half price – that’s just £40 for most websites. It includes consultation, demos of each of the top 3 free-to-use chat box services, testing, advice and set up.

(N.B. Prices depend on your website/CMS system. Terms apply. Offer starts 18 February 2019 and ends midnight 18 March 2019.)

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