Monthly Archives: March 2014

Improve your Twitter Presence

Dated: 24 March 2014

After a request from a couple of people who would like to brush up on some Twitter basics and/or get a profile started from scratch we’ve booked a course, open to up to 10 people, for 15th April from 9.30am to 4.30pm. If you’re using Twitter already but not sure if you’re moving in the […]

Posted in Marketing, Social Media

Networking to New Customer Infographic

Dated: 12 March 2014

Remember to book your place at our Big Free Networking event at The Lounge on 17th March Click here to reserve your space

Posted in Event

Pinterest Share Code

Dated: 6 March 2014

A couple of years ago, we wrote a post about the share code for Pinterest that would work on Windows Phones as a bookmark. May sound complicated, but this was before may people had Android and sharing an image was not easy. See the original post The link is still very popular, which makes us […]

Posted in Social Media, Websites