Monthly Archives: December 2023

The Impact of Generative AI on Digital Marketing: Should you use AI to write your content?

Dated: 18 December 2023

The use of artificial intelligence in the tech world is on the rise, with creators employing the tool to assist with generating images and content. But, can generative AI do everything a human being can?  Generative AI is artificial intelligence that produces content, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Users ask the bot a question or give […]

Posted in Social Media, Websites

Fixing WordPress Errors on your Website

Dated: 15 December 2023

WordPress is a mighty program, with a great set of editing features and an array of themes and plugins that can help even the newest WordPress user create a fantastic website. However, sometimes you might find errors occurring and there can be a number of reasons for them (everyone has their down days, right?).  If […]

Posted in How tos, Websites

The world is in a hurry so of course website speed is important

Dated: 15 December 2023

Essentially, everyone is in such a rush they can’t even wait 400 milliseconds for your web page to load. Shocking right? That’s literally how long it takes to blink once. So understanding what’s affecting your website speed is the first step to getting lots more traction on Google. We’ve got all the tips to help […]

Posted in Websites